Once a year, since 1882, there´s this huge group exhibition in Norway, called Høstutstillingen. And this year they picked out my first Black Metal texstile, "Solve Coagula nr.1" to enter the 127 edition of the exhibition.
In total, there was 82 artist represented this year at Kunstnernes Hus in Oslo, and it all turned out pretty great!
I joined a guided tour around the exhibition to learn more about the other artists, and it was really REALLY strange when they came to my work and started to talk about it! I was standing right in front of the guide when she was talking, but nobody knew I was the artist, hehe. Stange, but cool.
(picture is a still from the video "True Norwegian Action", 2012, by Grete Johanne Neseblod)
I was´nt the only person at this years exhibition who worked with Black Metal as a theme.
Grete Johanne Neseblod showed a video work of a performance. She is an a white room, covered whit spikes and corpsepaint, headbanging and moving around with a lot of black paint in her hear. Great!
Black Metal in contemporary art is on the rise!
THIS is so AWESOME!!! The Nordenfjelske Kunstindustrimuseum is a big museum located in Trondheim, and they decided to by Solve Coagula nr.1!!! Guess who got exited when receiving those news!!!
It´s now all over, the last day was October the 12th.