lørdag 3. august 2013

Nekromalistic Summer Rituals part 2

 Enjoying the last days at my studio at the National Academy of Fine Art in Oslo. Next year I´ll be given another studio at the Academy, and I´m sure it will not be as big and awesome as the one I had this year! ;( 
Darkthrone Coffee Cup is a must!!! No trueness without it ;)

I have been spending F%#"*Û*^;+C#"!`^*K*:@%I.:`/$*N*@!"#+G long time on sewing all the t-shirts I have collected together by hand! But it was worth it! 

Still got a lot of work left before the whole Black Metal Blanked Project is finished. 
If you read this, and have some extreme Metal t-shirts you don´t need. I´m in need of more, to a second textile project. Everything from Black, Death, Thrash, Doom and so on. More info here: I Need Your Extreme Metal T-Shirt

Aaaaaaaaand hehe! Made this tasty cake to Vidar and Jo regarding their 5th year anniversary party for their extremely good Metal Radio show Overkill!!! Nom nom nom.

And this one just for fun. Necronomicon pentagram inspired almond cake :)
First time I tried to make this cake. In norwegian we just call it Fyrstekake! 

This spring and summer I have discovered how exceptionally fun it is to draw with feather quill pens. :)

Behold the Ant Eater Bathomet!

Behold the Giraffe Baphomet!!

Black Metal Animals

...aaaand... eeehm... Booze Moose Offerings! 
Better quality pictures of these drawings will come later at a point on my other blog: www.lindakroed.blogspot.no

6 kommentarer:

  1. Sykt fett teppe! Skulle hatt et slikt, men ser for meg det er en helvetes jobb å få de sammen! Elsker tegningene. Kult at du bruker fjærpenn. :)

    1. Takk takk! Ja det har tatt sin tid, mildt sakt! Har holdt på det det prosjektet gjevnt og trutt i over et år nå.... og tanken på at eg ska laga flerre får meg nesten te å spy, men eg glede meg og! hehe :p

  2. Sv: jag åker nog till Bunker om jag får ledigt från jobbet:) Fina teckningar!

    1. Kult! Så ser jeg deg kanskje der då! :) Ellers takk! Du har en utrolig fet blog forresten! :)

  3. Keep up the great work in skills and fine art and artistic freedom in general!

  4. lol, black metal animals are outstanding...
