torsdag 3. mars 2011


Pure demoniac Blessing

Alright in the night! In january I figure out I wanted to join a Darkthrone design contest. They are going to re-release two old albums and wanted new cover artworks, Ravishing Grimness and Goatlord.  Fantastic albums! Anyway, I did´t actually have the time to make two drawings to the contest those days, but when it was around 10 days left I figure out that if I don´t do this now, I´m going to regret it.
After almost a month ( were I kinda figure out someone else had won the contest and I started to forget about it) I got a mail... a mail witch made me smile BIG TIME!!! The Darkthrone guys had picked one of MY drawings to be the new cover of Goatlord! drawing...DARKTHRONE... still can´t believe it! :D
The artwork on Ravishing Grimness was pretty nice, I can see why they wanted that one on the cover. Congratulation!

"Fantastic artwork. Strange and complex. That suits the album perfectly."

- Nocturno

Here it is!!
And if you follow the link you´ll see both album covers  :)

...Still can´t believe it!
Thank you SO much!

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