lørdag 2. april 2011

Moose the day!

    Mooses come walking over the hill
     Mooses come walking, they rarely stand still
    When mooses come walking they go where they will
    When mooses come walking over the hill
    Mooses look into your window at night
    They look to the left and they look to the right
    The mooses are smiling, they think it's a zoo
    And that's why the mooses like looking at you
    So, if you see mooses while lying in bed 
    It's best to just stay there pretending you're dead
    The mooses will leave and you'll get the thrill  
    Of seeing the mooses go over the hill
    Mooses Come Walking by Arlo Guthrie .
    A wery nice poem :) Sometimes when I'm bored or I have been working with drawings or similar, I often get a urge  to do something compleatly different. And this is the result of one of those times. The moose mask I have made myself, I was dressed as a moose at a Halloween party. It has'nt been so much activites on this blog for a time now. Thats because I have been working every friggin day and in the evening I have been working with "art" so I had enough works I could send to  norwegian Art Academies. My dream/plan at the moment is to be a student again, in Bergen, Oslo or Trondheim. But if I dont get in...I just try next year... and the year after that, and the year after than.. :)
        Here is something from the later stuff I've done.  It's about Black Metal, in the way I experience it, hehe

      3 kommentarer:

      1. Eg liker bloggen din :O
        Men asså, eg veit ikkje om eg får så lyst til å møte på ein elg..

      2. Maybe your blood was cross-contaminated with a moose at birth? This would explain everything!

        Keep it up though, look forward to seeing more drawings and such.

      3. Amalie! Eg like bloggen din og :) Men, elge jo alt, forstår koffer du ikke vil treffa på ein! :p

        Hahaha, maybe! :D
